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Monotypes : Printmaking

We were exposed to a bit of printmaking in Art college in order for the students to decide on their 3rd year specializations. I managed to try Etching, Intaglio and Lithography and missed out on Silk Screen printing.

Soon after I got myself a copy of Judy Martin's The Encyclopedia of Printmaking Techniques with plans of exploring further. But until I stumbled across Belinda del Pesco's site and write-up on monotypes, printmaking had got shelved for other art priorities. Printing supplies did not seem to be available and so I put in a request for Lino boards assuming that these would be to easier to locate. Well, I havent been successful as yet!

The last couple of weeks I've been surfing furiously and through a post on wetcanvas (i think!) came to this Smithsonian's resource on Monotypes. There are 12 short video clips explaining what they are, how they are made, the difference between these and monoprints and there is a gallery of work on display. I'm putting both these up here in case any of you are also feeling adventurous. Julia Ayers book on Monotype: Mediums and Methods for Painterly Printmaking is on its way to me.

I'm impatient as usual। Waiting for months is just not my scene and I think I'm going to experiment. Results will be up on my blog soon. If any of you do try making monoprints do leave me a link back to your work and if you have any other resources / recommendations do let me know.

Update: July 9, 2007: Robin of Rednews has left a comment with a very useful link - Monotypien - Martin Stankewitz's blog with beautiful Monotypes and Pen & Ink Illustrations. Once you've finished looking and if you havent done so already :D you can read a translation here. He also has a book published on the subject for sale "Creative Monotypes - my way of printing without a press"


  1. Julia Ayers book is great and you will have great fun doing monotypes. I never could get interested in doing editions of anything since making dozens of matching mugs, plates and bowls in clay. I tried etching and lithography but love monotypes. You just paint and/or chin colle on a sheet of acrylic and roll it. I found even the ghosts fun to work with. It has been at least 7 years since I did some but you will have a great time.

  2. Thank you for stopping by. I'm looking forward to trying it out. I've had a problem with locating inks locally but the search is still on.

  3. I haven't been by in a while, so I hope this is still relevant. I know of an artist that has written two great small books on this subject.
    They can be viewed at:
    Martin speaks perfect english, so if you have questions feel free to ask. His drawing style can be viewed in the archives of WetCanvas.

  4. I have the ayres book too. But my own little booklet isn`t bad at all :)creative monotypes . I sketch,draw and convertthese into monotypes.
    Monotyping is the ultimate image technology :)..
    all the best

  5. Hello,
    it seems that it takes some time until comments travel around the globe :). I hope you will have a lot of fun exploring the monotype.
    all the best

  6. Hi Martin, thanks for stopping by. the reason for the delay has been the two week holiday from which I returned yesterday. i still have a lot of emails to go through :( loved you work and will stop by at leisure to look at them in detail on your site as well as on wetcanvas.

  7. i saw the address to your website on martha´s artblog.

    I´m not tagging you. But in case you want to be tagged by me, please let me know. I´ll draw a sketch for every person (not more than 8) who sends me a link to his 8 fantastic facts.
    more information here.


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