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Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci


I was surfing as usual, just cant seem to stop :P and found this link to da Vinci's drawings at the Drawn site. The main page lists thumbnails of the pages and take you to a much larger version of the page. This is another site that I would like to study at leisure.

Update: May 15, 2006 : 20 things you didnt know about Leonardo Da Vinci. I thought that these would be of interest to those interested in Da Vinci. I found the link to this article by discover magazine from the snag site.

Update: May 26, 2006: Robert Genn artist and author of Painters Key in his most recent twice-weekly letter has talked about the 7 virtues that Da Vinci wrote about. He has also referred to How to think like Da Vinci by Michael Gelb and The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci edited by Pamela Taylor.

Update: Oct 2, 2006: Leonardo's notebook in 3D. Universal Leonardo has information on his life, the times, drawing, manuscripts, paintings etc.

Update: Oct 14, 2006: See Leonardo's drawings animated online. All this and more a part of the exhibition Leonardo da Vinci : Experience, Experiment and Design. This has been organised by V&A Museums along with Universal Leonardo, "a programme aimed at deepening our understanding of Leonardo da Vinci through a series of European exhibitions, scientific research and web-based resources".

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  1. Hi Ujwala,

    You may be also interested in this great new site on Educational Art Videos online. See for a film of Da Vinci's drawings:

  2. steve thanks for the link but i'm currently focussing on what is available for free or for non-commericial use.

  3. figure drawing 2 rebecca kimmel is not working plz check IT OUT

  4. Hi Rajneesh, College reopened? Thanks for pointing out about the link. I shall write and ask her and update this as soon as I have more information. The other links on the site which are related to the figure drawing resource at CGtalk are still working. :D Ujwala

  5. You may be interested in this webinar hosted by Michael Gelb:

  6. I've just bought the book :D will read it and check out the webinar later. thanks for the information. I hope that some of the readers find it of interest too and participate.

  7. Here is Michael Gelbs latest webinar on "How to think liek Leonardo da Vinci"



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