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Art Material Suppliers in New Delhi

A lot has changed in terms of accessibility and availability of art supplies since this post was first made back in Sep 14, 2005 .   Sita Ram now has a big store in Lajpat Nagar.  The South Ex branch is their HQ and not much available to purchase there. Sita Ram Stationers J-5 Central Market Lajpat Nagar-2 New Delhi - 110023 Tel:-+91 (11) 29842832, 24638266 Tele-fax: +91 (11) 46678484 M:- +91 9810939394, 9650338339  ____________________________________________ Sita Ram Stationers G-8, South Extension 1 New Delhi - 110049 (the lane before the market square) Shop: 2463 8266 Mob: 98110 04530 If you buy a supplies for a reasonably large amount, do ask for a discount. --------------------------------- Khalsa Brothers Joginder Singh 4129, Nai Sarak Near Jogiwara Delhi - 6 Shop: 2391 2878 Mob: 98105 12870 Discounts are given here too if you purchase for a reasonable sum.
Recent posts


It's been quite a while since I made a post here and it's mostly because there are many other folks doing a better job. I recently attended two printmaking workshops and found that I had forgotten most of what I had learned earlier. These 3 fairly basic articles defining printmaking, the various types and sub-types might come in handy in case you are interested in this very interesting branch of fine art. They certainly will come in handy before the next printmaking workshop for me! :D MOMA on What is a Print? - It is animated and highly recommended American Artists with an Introduction to Printmaking for fine art and Printmaking on Wikipedia has more details on the various types and sub types The work above has been drawn and painted on a prepared limestone for a Lithograph, with a glass pencil and some diluted tusche . You can see the outcome here . Related Posts on my blogs Finding Beauty in Print Finding Beauty in Print 2 Printmaking set on Flickr

Build your own easel

Came across this resource again recently. I had saved it in the hopes that I'd try it out one of these days. In the meantime, this goes out to all those who would like to build a well designed, inexpensive easel , now instead of spending big bucks on buying one. Ben Grosser has generously made these plans available for free. He is an artist and you can see his work here . If you do use these plans dont forget to send him photographs for his easel gallery .

Figure Drawing Resource 6 - Posemaniacs

I found the link to Posemaniacs on Kathy Johnsons blog, The Quicksilver Workaholic . It is an absolutely fantastic resource. You can jump right into using the poses or use Google translate to figure out what the japanese text is about. I have a copy of Virtual Poses that I have yet to use. Since I spend long hours on the net/computer I am likely to use this resource more often. A few quick links on the site A variety of poses which you can rotate 360deg on both axis. Short poses and gesture drawings - 10, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90sec poses Negative spaces and Google Translate Update: September 13, 2007 : I've just received a comment from the site owner for Pose maniacs Today I added English instruction to 30 seconds drawing and random pose viewer pages.

Monotypes : Printmaking

We were exposed to a bit of printmaking in Art college in order for the students to decide on their 3rd year specializations. I managed to try Etching, Intaglio and Lithography and missed out on Silk Screen printing. Soon after I got myself a copy of Judy Martin's The Encyclopedia of Printmaking Techniques with plans of exploring further. But until I stumbled across Belinda del Pesco 's site and write-up on monotypes , printmaking had got shelved for other art priorities. Printing supplies did not seem to be available and so I put in a request for Lino boards assuming that these would be to easier to locate. Well, I havent been successful as yet! The last couple of weeks I've been surfing furiously and through a post on wetcanvas (i think!) came to this Smithsonian's resource on Monotypes . There are 12 short video clips explaining what they are, how they are made, the difference between these and monoprints and there is a gallery of work on display. I'm ...

Figure Drawing Resource 5 - Glenn Vilppu

Links to the renowned Glenn Vilppu's bi-monthly online column which appeared in Animation World Magazine have been put below for your easy reference. First an introduction "Never Underestimate the Power of Life Drawing" and 11 lessons in the figure drawing course followed by 12 in the "sketching on location" set. Though the series finished a few years ago, Animation World Magazine continues to generously host these online. Glenn Vilppu advises going through the first set before trying the ones on sketching. Dont miss out on them. Drawing Never Underestimate the Power of Life Drawing Vilppu Drawing Online: Gesture Vilppu Drawing Online: Spherical Forms Vilppu Drawing Online: The Box Vilppu Drawing Online: Introducing Material and Proportion Vilppu Drawing Online: Drawing Ellipses Vilppu Drawing Online: From the General to the Specific Vilppu Drawing Online: The Landmarks of Anatomy Vilppu Drawing Online: Seeing Anatomical Masses Seeing The Figure As A 2D O...

Figure Drawing Resource 4 - Gray's Anatomy

A knowlege of anatomy is a must if you are interested in learning to paint, draw, or sculpt the human form. I first saw a copy of Gray's Anatomy in my sisters hand. She was in medical college and every student world over has had a copy to study. Much later, when I saw a reference to it on off I went to investigate. There I found an incredible figure drawing resource - 1247 engravings from Henry Gray's "Anatomy of the Human Body" for you to access online. Use it to study, draw or sculpt the skeleton, the muscles that cover them and how our joints move. At least those are my plans :D Here's a link to an index of these engravings . Happy Figure Drawing!