This is the 3rd in the series of Figure Drawing Resources that I find fantastic and which has been provided freely online. Rey Bustos teaches anatomy and figure drawing in Los Angeles. I enjoyed the Flash based resource of figures with the musculature overlaid, provided for students of art and anatomy. You can see an example of it here here . Rey's Anatomy is just one part of the site. You'll also find his blog , figure drawings and many other resources on his website . "A s an educator I have worked hard to make my passion for anatomy more accessible to more students and professionals seeking a more interactive mode of studying or using anatomical reference. In this web site, I along with my designer Yariv Newman,have tried to give a taste of what I am striving to achieve but in a larger scale sometime in the near future. Please use my email to reach me if you are interested in any of the work that you see here or for any help that I can avail myself to you." ...
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